It’s Men’s Health Month, which is a time set aside to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease. And with Father’s Day right around the corner, I wanted to take this opportunity to talk about a widely believed health myth that could be very damaging to the health of you or the men in your life.
Category Archives: Fit & Fantastic
Today marks the start of National Diabetes Awareness Month, and in honor, I’ve been working on something very special to share with you. It’s called, The Diabetes Nutrition Guide with 31 Expert Tips for Reversing Type 2 Diabetes, and it’s a pretty awesome (and free) 128-page eBook that you can download (here).
Like exercise, sex is great for your health. It can improve your mood, restore your confidence, boost and balance hormones, and it’s a great workout. But how does exercise improve your sex life?
A couple of months ago, Rosie O’Donnell saved my mom’s life with HEPPP, which is the acronym she made up to help women remember the signs of heart attacks in women – which are different than the classic signs in men.
Learn more about the signs of heart attack and the ten steps you can take to support your heart and decrease your risk for a heart attack.
Continue readingMy friend Joe Tatta is a doctor of physical therapy, and he knows everything there is to know about back pain. I asked him if he could share any good tips with us on the best ways to help heal … Continue reading