What’s Going on with Perimenopause?

bridgit_dannerGuest Post by Bridgit Danner, FDNP, LAc

Menopause is, in our cultural vocabulary, described as the symptoms of hot flashes and night sweats. But menopause is actually the cessation of your menstrual cycle. You know it’s ceased when you haven’t had a cycle for a year. Peri-menopause is a period that extends for a long time before menopause. But what is going on in perimenopause anyway?

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Ask Dr. Jen: What is estrogen’s role in breast cancer?

breast cancerI’ve received several questions lately about estrogen’s role in breast cancer. Estrogen-receptor (ER) positive breast cancer is on the rise, as is environmental exposure to xenoestrogens, which are estrogen-like compounds that exist in our environment. So how do you decrease your risk?

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Ask Dr. Jen: What’s the Best Method for Hormone Delivery?

Dear Dr. Jen, I’ve been taking compounded hormones for about 12 years, but I have started gaining weight and can’t seem to lose it. I decided to ween myself off them because I found out that my body has kind of stopped absorbing them like it should. Or should I find a different way to absorb them and stay on them?

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Ask Dr. Jen: Sex after Baby

new mom and dadMy boyfriend and I used to have sex all the time. Then I got pregnant and I didn’t want it all the time. Then I had my baby girl, and now I’m never in the mood. I try to take it for the team to keep him happy, but it hurts so bad! We tried everything – lube, jelly, everything – and I can never get in the mood, probably because I’m scared it’s going to hurt. Please help!

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