Dr. Sara Gottfried on the 3 Hormones That Block Your Weight Loss

Sara Gottfried, MDWhen it comes to women and weight, there are seven hormones that make losing weight very challenging—if not impossible—when they are out of balance. In this article, I want to show you the top three hormones that are the most likely culprits when it comes to your difficulty with weight loss, and how you can begin to reset them.

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VIP Invite to JJ Virgin’s Top Celebrity Doc Event – Look great, Feel Amazing!

 Last year I had the pleasure to be part of JJ Virgin’s 7 Days, 7 Docs event. I had a blast and learned so much from the other doctors! This year, JJ has lined up another awesome batch of celebrity … Continue reading

Listen to Dr. Jen and Dr. Sara discuss how you can enjoy sex more

Dr. Sara Gottfried is a Harvard-trained MD with over 20 years of experience. Like Dr. Jen, she believes in “eating your leafy greens rather than popping synthetic pills” and that women everywhere “deserve to feel sexy, ripe and delicious.” Dr. … Continue reading