What’s Going on with Perimenopause?

bridgit_dannerGuest Post by Bridgit Danner, FDNP, LAc

Menopause is, in our cultural vocabulary, described as the symptoms of hot flashes and night sweats. But menopause is actually the cessation of your menstrual cycle. You know it’s ceased when you haven’t had a cycle for a year. Peri-menopause is a period that extends for a long time before menopause. But what is going on in perimenopause anyway?

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50,000 Women Could Have Been Saved

The Benefits of Estrogen Therapy in Women Post-Hysterectomy  In 2002, a Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study in menopausal women ages 50-79 showed that combined estrogen/progestin therapy (Prempro) was linked to the increase of blood clots, breast cancer risk, heart disease … Continue reading