It’s never too late to enjoy a healthy sex life.
The Sex Drive Solution for Women is the go-to guide for women looking to reclaim not only their sexual health, but their energy and drive.
The Sex Drive Solution for Women, co-authored by Virginia Hopkins, contains the key ingredients to amazing sex at any age.
Using her expertise as an OB/GYN, and now a pioneer in bioidentical hormone therapy and integrative medicine, Dr. Jen shares real life stories of patients who have reignited their sex lives and experienced complete wellness transformations with renewed energy and improved quality of life.
The Sex Drive Solution for Women includes:
- Proven techniques to revive energy and overcome chronic fatigue
- The secrets to midlife weight loss
- A no-nonsense guide to the anatomy of sex
- What to expect during pregnancy and after baby
- Supplements that boost desire and drugs that kill it
- Sex after menopause
- A detailed overview on sexuality and hormones
- How to revive a relationship that’s gone stale
- Sound medical advice for pro-libido nutrition
- A libido quiz to help you identify what’s stealing your sex drive
- A chapter just for the guys…
Putting Dr. Jen’s sex drive solutions into action will give you the power to actually start living a sexier, happier life. Right here, right now.
Click here to get your copy today!
What people are saying about The Sex Drive Solution for Women:
“Amazingly informative and understandable read for both women and sexual function practitioners. What I found extraordinarily compelling was how insightful it proved to be for me – a man, a husband, an ‘anti-aging’ physician practitioner, and a lecturer…Men – don’t miss out on this opportunity to get what you want sexually from your partner by tuning in to how she ‘works’ and how you can truly fulfill her in the bedroom and elsewhere. I dare to guarantee that, man or woman, your sex life will undeniably improve if you read this book. Mine did.”
-Jay E. Mattingly, MD (from amazon)
“Dr. Landa has answered so many questions with practical solutions. The book is informative and easy to read. She deals with the physiology, answers many why’s. As a physician who treats patients with hormonal problems, with lack of libido as one of the presenting features, I am thrilled with this book and will give a copy to all my patients.”
-Dr. Smita Ohri, MD (from amazon)
“Finally, a book with common sense explanations and advice from a physician on the front lines with issues related to hormonal decline as well as depressed sex drive. Great for men and women. Hormones are a big part of libido but low libido is a multifactorial problem which can be helped and should NEVER be written off as ‘part of getting older.’ Dr. Jen is our generation’s Dr. Ruth…only infinitely better!”
-Joseph S. Agnello (from amazon)
“When you are as busy as me, a book like this is the perfect reminder that I deserve to care for myself as much as I care for everyone else. I am so fortunate to have a flourishing career, two beautiful kids and an adorable husband – but what I don’t have is extra time or energy. Dr. Jen’s book reminded me that with a little mindfulness, there truly is time and energy available for me, my crazy schedule, my family and even romance! This book is for every woman who has ever wondered if she can have it all and keep her sanity – YOU CAN and this book will tell you how! Thanks Dr. Jen!!!”
-Jill B. (from amazon)
“I bought this book for my wife and all I can say is, ‘Thank you!’ We both have busy schedules at work, kids and various day to day activities that keep our stress levels high and our spare time at a premium. Dr. Jen’s book gave valuable insight to help us communicate and understand one another’s needs better (at least that was my wife’s take.) I was grateful for all the helpful hints that made our time between the sheets, well – super HOT! Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, birthdays or ‘just because’ – guys, this is a gift that keeps on giving and it gives right back to you.”
-Bill K. (from amazon)
“As a doctor with a focus on endocrine disorders, I found this book to be a great resource. I now have been recommending it to patients regularly and hearing great feedback. Dr. Landa really spells out the many factors that create the libido (nutrition, psychology, hormones) and the factors that rob it (including some prescription drugs, stress and alcohol). She teaches readers how to effectively identify and correct these factors. Along with a boost in libido, anyone following Dr. Landa’s advice is sure to get healthier in general.”
-Dr. Alan Christianson (from amazon)
“What I love about Dr. Jen is she’s part doctor, part cheerleader, part coach… and she brings holistic and realistic advice to help you get your sexy back and keep it.”
-Ande Lyons, Chief Passion Curator for (from amazon)
“I am a post-menopausal patient of Dr. Jen’s, although I live 4 hours away from her office and see her when necessary. It is worth the time and trip to learn more about myself and how I can live a longer, healthier and more satisfactory life. She is helping me to be a more vital woman and physically feel better than I have in years, my skin is great with the bio-identical hormone treatments I use and nobody believes I am 65 years young. I feel rejuvenated! Thanks, Dr. Jen.”
-Shelley Z. (from amazon)
“I am a working mother, 47 years old and somewhere in the midst of all the work, laundry, carpools and soccer practices my sex drive got lost – completely – at the not-so-old age of 40. I decided that there was nothing I could do, but live with it…I now know that I am not alone, there are many women just like me. I now feel like there is actually hope for me. It’s a lot of work to do all the things Dr. Jen is recommending, but the tips and suggestions are helpful and have been a great starting place for me. If you really want to revive your sex drive and are willing to put in some effort (sex is a GREAT reward!), [Dr. Jen’s] book has all the tips that will make the possibility a reality.”
-Diane P. (from amazon)